
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2011


MoMA Acquires Botanicalls for Permanent Collection The Museum of Modern Art’s Architecture & Design Acquisition Committee has approved the addition of Botanicalls to the  MoMA permanent collection . This means that after the  Talk to Me  exhibition closes, Botanicalls will join the likes of  Eames chairs  the  BIC pen ,  Frank Lloyd Wright , and   Starry Night . It’s a huge honor and we’d like to thank the acquisition committee, as well as the many collaborators who have helped Botanicalls along the way, a few of whom include: Gabe Barcia-Colombo, Andrew Schneider, Limor Fried, Phil Torrone, Nathan Seidle, Jim Lindblom, Tom Igoe, Red Burns, Dan O’Sullivan, Danny Rozin, Clay Shirky, Josh London, Eric Beug, Jimmy Garver, K Otterness, JooYoun Paek, Chris Paretti, John Frazier and  many  others. Here’s some memories from along the way: the original brainstorm-ing whiteboard plants making phone calls the first kit from Adafruit the Botanicalls crew,

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Proyectos practicos
